DomEx Hardwoods Wood Species Catalog
Below is a list of over 100 species of exotic and domestic hardwoods available from DomEx. In most listings, we have used photos of the actual pieces that are for sale. Where a generic photo is used, it is a very accurate representation of what will be received.
With the exception of just a few dozen species, supply is very limited, therefore availability is subject to change.
For most species, we have more pieces in stock than what is listed here, and we plan to list more in the future. So if you do not find what you are looking for, please check back often or contact us with any requests that you may have.

African Blackwood
Our African Blackwood is second to none! We have a large variety of sizes of pen blanks, turning squares, and rectangles. Also available in acoustic guitar sets.

Anegre from Africa. Available in 4/4 through 8/4.

We have a large and rare inventory of old-growth gorgeous Applewood, available in 4/4 through 16/4, as well as thins, pen blanks, and turning squares.

Ash - White
White Ash lumber, available in 4/4 through 16/4.

Black Palm
Our Black Palm is mostly available in 4/4.

Bocote lumber from Mexico. Available in 4/4 & 8/4.

Bubinga from Africa. Available in 4/4 & 8/4.

Bulletwood from South America. Available in 4/4 & 8/4.

Butternut lumber. Available in 4/4 & 8/4.

Canarywood from Brazil. Available in 4/4 - 12/4.

Catalpa lumber. Mostly available in 4/4 - 8/4, and pen blanks, turning squares, and thins. Nice tonewood!

Cherry - Black
Black Cherry lumber. Available in 4/4 - 16/4.

Cypress lumber. Available in 4/4 & 8/4.

Ebony - Macassar
Macassar Ebony lumber from Indonesia. Available in 4/4 & 8/4, as well as acoustic guitar sets.

Gorgeous figured Eucalyptos veneer available in 1/42" and in limited supply

Fiddlewood from Jamaica. Available in 4/4 & 8/4 lumber.

Goncalo Alves
Goncalo Alves from Brazil. Available in 4/4 - 8/4 lumber.

Holly - American
American Holly. Available in 1/2" & 3/4" S2S, 4/4 - 8/4 lumber, thins & veneer, pen blanks, turning squares, dowels, and acoustic guitar sets.

Imbuya from Brazil. Available in 4/4 - 8/4 lumber, as well as acoustic guitar sets.

Kentucky Coffeetree
Kentucky Coffeetree. Available in 4/4 - 8/4 lumber.

Lacewood from Australia. Available in 4/4 & 8/4 lumber.

Locust - Black
Black Locust. Available in 3/4" through 8/4 lumber. (Mostly 4/4 & 5/4.)

Locust - Honey
Honey Locust. Mostly available in thins as well as 4/4 & 5/4 lumber.

Genuine Honduran Mahogany. Available in 4/4 - 8/4 lumber, as well as turning blocks and thins.

Mostly available on DomEx in gorgeous veneer form

Makore - Curly
Figured/curly Makore, from Africa. Very limited supply and available in 8/4 only.

Mango from Hawaii. Available in 4/4 & 8/4 lumber.

Maple - Ambrosia
Ambrosia (wormy) Maple. Available in 4/4 lumber.

Maple - Birdseye
Birdseye Maple. Available in 4/4 & 5/4 lumber, as well as turning squares.

Maple - Hard
Hard Maple. Available in 4/4 - 12/4 lumber, as well as thins, pen blanks, squares, and dowels.

Mesquite from Texas. Available in 4/4 - 12/4 lumber, as well as burl, thins, pen blanks, squares, and acoustic guitar sets.

Mgurure from Africa. Available in 1-1/2" & 2" turning squares.

Mopane from Africa. Very dense wood, available in 4/4 & 8/4 lumber.

Oak - Red
Red Oak. Available in 4/4 - 16/4 lumber (including curly!) and turning squares.

Oak - White
White Oak. Available in 4/4 - 16/4 lumber (including quartersawn 4/4 & 5/4).

Osage Orange
Osage Orange. Available in 4/4 - 9/4 lumber, as well as pen blanks, turning squares, and acoustic guitar sets.

Paulownia (Princess Wood)
Paulownia ("Princess Wood") from Japan. Extremely light-weight! Available in 4/4 & 8/4 lumber.

Pearwood (European)
Pearwood from Europe. Available in 4/4 - 12/4 lumber.

Persimmon. Available in 4/4 - 8/4 lumber, thins, and turning squares.

Rosewood - Brazilian
Brazilian Rosewood. Mostly available in small 4/4 - 8/4 pieces, as well as thins and fingerboard blanks.

Rosewood - Cocobolo
Cocobolo Rosewood (Dalbergia retusa). Available in 4/4 - 16/4 lumber, cants, pen blanks, turning squares, bowl blanks, and acoustic guitar sets.

Rosewood - Honduran
Honduran Rosewood. Available in 4/4 & 8/4 lumber.

Rosewood - Indian
E. Indian Rosewood. Old-growth (pre-1980's). Available in 4/4 - 8/4 lumber, as well as pen blanks, bowl blanks, and acoustic guitar sets.

Rosewood - Santos
Our gorgeous Santos Rosewood veneer is available in 1/42". Limited supply.

Sapele (pommele) from Africa. Available in 4/4 - 8/4, as well as acoustic guitar sets.

Sassafras. Available in 4/4 - 8/4 lumber.

Satinwood from Ceylon, India. Available in 4/4 - 9/4 lumber, as well as turning squares.

Shedua. Available in 4/4 - 8/4 lumber.

Sycamore. Available in 4/4 - 8/4 lumber (including gorgeous quartersawn 4/4), as well as thins and phenomenal acoustic guitar sets.

Tamarind - Wild
Wild Tamarind. Available in 4/4 & 8/4 lumber.

Teak (Central American)
Teak from Central America. Old-growth, mostly available in 3/4" S2S lumber, as well as gorgeous planter boxes.

Teak (S.E. Asian)
Genuine Teak from Southeast Asia. Available in 4/4 - 8/4 lumber. Very limited supply.

Thuya from Morocco, Africa. Available as burl only. Very limited supply.

Walnut - Black
Black Walnut. Available in 4/4 - 16/4 lumber and complete boules, as well as thins and turning squares.

Walnut - English
English Walnut. Available in 4/4 & 8/4 lumber.

Walnut - French
French Walnut. Available in 4/4 - 8/4 lumber, as well as thins and acoustic guitar sets.

Walnut - New Guinea
New Guinea Walnut. Available in 3/4 - 8/4 lumber, as well as thins.

Wenge from Africa. Mostly available in 4/4 - 8/4 lumber.

Zebrawood from Mexico. Available in 4/4 lumber, as well as pen blanks.